Wilson Grey
We helped Wilson Grey move onto and upwards on page 1 of Google for a variety of key lead generation terms
We helped Wilson Grey move onto and upwards on page 1 of Google for a variety of key lead generation terms
Wilson Grey help to place talent for high growth businesses in the saas, financial and healthcare sectors.
“Tom’s clearly passionate about what he does and is very easy to work with. I have been very happy with the work that he and his team did, and the approach taken. As well as SEO, they helped with identifying and resolving a number of site issues and provided very thorough reports that laid out exactly what progress they’d achieved and what was left to action. In a short space of time they made some great improvements on our rankings and I’m excited to see the impact this will make on the business.”
Simon – Wilson Grey
High quality links gained to increase Google’s trust in the site
Page 1 rankings for the most competitive industry terms including ‘saas recruitment’, ‘saas recruiters’ and ‘fintech recruitment agencies’
Technical website fixes to improve performance
We began work with Wilson Grey when they already had some visibility but a lot of scope for improvement.
There were some key technical issues on the site which needed addressing, including multiple installations of WordPress. Our first job was delving into the site setup and uncovering how it had been built and what needed addressing.
We also carried out wide ranging keyword research to identify relevant phrases the site was not currently set up to target. This led to new content suggestions which we could work on with Simon and the team.
Finally, it was clear there was a gap in the number of links Wilson Grey had to the competition, so this is an area we have been developing throughout the work.
Our initial analysis highlighted that whilst Wilson Grey were ranking well for some phrases, they were not targeting other relevant phrases at all – a common problem.
To combat this we devised a plan for more landing pages to be rolled out so we could widen the net of phrases the site was ranking for, as well as improving rankings for the phrases where they already had visibility.
We also zoomed in on key technical issues and worked with the WG team to get these addressed. This included duplicate homepages and multiple WordPress installations which was causing search engines to crawl inefficiently and visit pages that weren’t relevant.
Alongside optimising the site itself, we also worked on generating links from other websites that would act as ‘votes of recommendation’ for WG. This was an area we were short compared to the competition and so wanted to close the gap with a focus on quality over quantity.
We’ve seen some fantastic progress with Wilson Grey, moving on to page 1 of Google for a variety of phrases, as well as moving higher on page 1 for phrases where they were already present.
You can see some examples below:
fintech recruitment london – #15 – #7
fintech recruitment agencies – #13 – #8
saas recruitment – #7 – #4
fintech recruitment agencies london – #11 – #7
recruitment saas – #13 – #4
saas recruitment solutions – #8 – #3
The site also now ranks for a wider variety of phrases following the new content that’s been added which will allow it to get found in more areas, as well as being less susceptible to search engine updates and giving the business less risk.
We’re so happy with the impact we’ve been able to have for Wilson Grey. Given they started with good foundations in place, we’ve been able to help them take the final step and move into positions which will drive enquiries and help the business grow.
In a short period of time so far the progress has been clearly visible, and as time goes on I’m sure this will develop further and create a more stable and sustainable source of leads for Simon and the team.
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