In an ideal world, you’d be able to make one call and a client would be yours. Unfortunately, in the world of call calling in recruitment that is rarely the case. If you’re approaching potential clients with the mindset that everything must be done in a single call, you won’t get very far.
If you’re really committed to getting a new client on board, you have to be prepared to work at it over time and build a relationship of trust. If the first time you speak, they tell you that they’re not currently looking for help from a recruitment agency, that’s fine! Contact them again later down the line, and see if their hiring position has changed.
When you’re playing the long game with potential clients, it’s also very important to be reliable. Make sure that you end every call with a plan of what you are going to do next or a promise of when you will get back in touch with them. This way, you have allotted time to prepare for your next conversation, and they won’t be surprised when you call again.
It’s also always worth sending a follow-up email after a call that details what you talked about, and what your agreed next steps are. Not only does this provide you with a conversation record that you can reference in your next meeting, but it also reminds the potential clients what you talked about and will keep you in their thoughts until next time. That way, your next conversation won’t be a cold call, it will be a warm one!